Technical College HSDC Application Information
Students should work directly with their school counselor to register for HSDC courses. This helps to ensure that all high school requirements are being met. Each college has its own registration form, and students should work with their local school contact to complete the necessary paperwork.
Application Forms
Click the link below for the college you want to apply to:
Additional required materials:
- Dual Enrollment Approval Form signed by student, parent or guardian and a school official. (This form will also be emailed to you after your application is submitted.)
- High School Transcript
- ACT/SAT or Accuplacer Score report (if taken)
Registration and Course Payment:
- After your registration is processed, you will receive additional information about your coursework and registration confirmation. You may drop a class within the time stated on the academic calendar without being charged and without receiving a grade.
- Payment for your class must be made to the technical college. Payments can be made by check or by credit/debit card. If the high school is paying for the class(es), the high school business manager should contact the technical college business office to arrange payment.
- Dual Credit students are not eligible for financial aid and must re-register at the beginning of each semester.
Other Requirements/Considerations
- Dual Credit does not guarantee acceptance to the technical college as a full-time student at a later time.
- Dual Credit students are currently enrolled in high school and will receive high school credit and grade along with technical college credit and grade for the Dual Enrolled course.
- Credits may or may not transfer. It is the responsibility of the student to verify transferability.
- Students must follow the technical college academic calendar and be in attendance when technical college classes are held. There are certain days that the high schools will have classes and technical colleges will not and vice versa.
- Students will be held to each technical college’s Code of Conduct.
- It is the student’s responsibility to directly contact instructors to inform them of absences. Parents do not need to call the technical college to excuse students. Attendance policies in classes are listed on the class syllabi.
- Students registered for Dual Credit courses will not be eligible for the “Credit by Exam” or “Test Out” options.
- Completing credit through the Dual Credit program may affect your full-time status during post-secondary education.

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