SD Mines “Camp Biomed” Biomedical Engineering Summer Camp
Event Details
Date & Time
July 15 @ 12:00 am - July 18 @ 12:00 am
Location South Dakota Mines
Organizer Info Brittani Webb, 605-394-6144,
Event Description:
Intended Audience: Grades 8th-12th
Camp BioMed
Biomedical Engineering Camp
Explore the expanding and ever-changing world of biomedical engineering in this hands-on career camp!
Students will explore the world of Biomedical Engineering, a field on the cutting edge of science, engineering, and modern medicine. Learn from doctorate level faculty, graduate biomedical engineering students, and industry partners while participating in hands-on, hi-tech activities.
Join our Biomedical Engineering faculty for this exciting summer day camp! Camp will run 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Lunch will be provided for campers.
Thursday at 1:00 PM we invite parents to come on campus for a cookie reception followed by a campus visit for the family.