High School Graduation Requirements

Did you know that you have a lot of choice in what classes to take while satisfying high school curriculum requirements for graduation? You do — and these choices could lead you to scholarship opportunities and better college preparation.

High School Curriculum Requirements

Below are the statewide South Dakota high school curriculum requirements needed to earn a diploma. Be aware that school districts may have additional requirements, so check with your school representative for more information. Within meeting high school graduation requirements, students may also earn advanced endorsements to denote areas of specific emphasis.

4 units of Language Arts
3 units of Social Studies
3 units of Mathematics
3 units of Science
1 unit of Any Combination (expand for options)
Other Course Requirements

Make the Most of Your Options

When you have options, make the most of them! You can select high school courses that will support your career interests, provide additional scholarship opportunities, and save time and money!

Support Your Career Interests
Create Scholarship Opportunities
Save Time & Money

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