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Coyote Visit Day

Event Details

Date & Time April 12 (all day)

Location Muenster University Center, USD

Organizer Info Jeanne Haar, 605-658-6202,

Event Description:

Intended Audience: Anyone interested in learning more about USD

There’s nothing like stepping foot on the USD campus to experience it for yourself. Join us for Coyote Visit Day where you will take a tour of campus and get an overview of admissions, scholarships, academic programs and life as a Coyote. We think you’ll like what you find.

Check-in for Coyote Visit Day is from 8:30 – 9:15 a.m. and the Welcome begins at 9:15 a.m. in the Muenster University Center. Visits are by appointment only, and each session may have limited capacity.

To sign up, go to