Medical and Health Services Manager

Plan, direct, or coordinate medical and health services in hospitals, clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies, or similar organizations.

Learn more about this occupation on Mapping Your Future and SDMyLife.

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Degree Typically Acquired

Typical requirement for first-year college math course

These college courses are the minimum math requirements for related degree programs and could vary based on the specific college.


Bachelor’s Degree:

College Algebra (MATH 114)


Relevant High School Dual Opportunities

High school dual credit can help students save time and money. See the relevant options below. (Students select one.)

  • HSDC College Algebra (MATH 114)

Explore Dual Credit

Be Strategic

Example coursework below shows a path that is South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship eligible and saves time and money through dual credit.


8th Grade:

8th Grade Math

9th Grade:

Algebra I

10th Grade:


11th Grade:

Algebra II

12th Grade:

HSDC College Algebra (MATH 114)

There are multiple paths a student could take to prepare for the college math course required for their degree. Talk to your school counselor and see other routes in the Math Pathways PDF below.

See Math Pathways

Find South Dakota Colleges with Related Degree Programs*

Click the button below to find South Dakota colleges with degree programs to prepare you for this occupation.

Opportunities in South Dakota

*There may be colleges with relevant degree programs not listed in this data source, including new college programs that haven’t yet had graduates, or those not yet linked to the specific job title.

Chart Your Own Math Pathway

If you're still deciding on what career might fit you best, use our career search tool to find your desired occupation and learn more about the math pathways best suited for your career of choice.

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