2024 Fall Counselor Workshop Resources
SDMyLife is an online career exploration and academic planning program for South Dakota 6-12 grade students. Log in to SDMyLife to learn how your interests and skills align with careers and explore over 600 career profiles! Students can log in with their school email (K12) credentials or request their username from an educator or school counselor at their school.
SD Opportunity Scholarship Resources
South Dakota high school graduates can earn up to $7,500 (over four years) with the South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship, but they need to take the right courses to be eligible. Find the curriculum requirements and approved coursework here. (Students must earn a “C" or higher for these courses to be recognized for scholarship eligibility.)
Junior's Guide to College Prep Booklet
As you cross off tasks on your list, Our Dakota Dreams will be by your side every step of the way.
2023 Fall Counselor Workshop Resources
School counselors can find the resources referenced by the South Dakota Board of Regents during the Fall Counselor Workshops hosted by CCASD.
Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program – Curriculum Share
Educators and parents can access the curriculum being used for Tutor Tracks offered through the Dakota Dreams Online Tutoring Program. Educators, feel free to use these lesson plans in the classroom, if you find them helpful!
Free College Application Period – Promotions Toolkit
Educators can use this communication toolkit to get the word out about the Free College Application Period when students may apply to South Dakota’s public technical colleges and universities free of charge.
College Prep Checklist for 12th Grade
Stay on top of the college prep checklist for 12th graders by completing the necessary tasks to help make your Dakota Dreams come true.
College Prep Checklist for 11th Grade
Take advantage of all your opportunities by addressing the tasks on our college prep checklist for 11th grade students.
College Prep Checklist for 10th Grade
Ensure you are approaching your future prepared and knowledgeable about available opportunities using this checklist.