Financial aid offers will be shared with you after you’ve completed the FAFSA and been accepted to a college. These offer letters, sent from the colleges to which you’ve been accepted, outline how much the college will cost and what kind of financial aid package you’ll receive for one year. This information will help you determine which college is your best choice. See a sample financial aid letter to preview the type of information you’ll receive.
Resource Levels: Educators
Sample Technical College Application
Review a sample technical college application to prepare for the application process.
Sample University Application
Review a sample university application to prepare for the application process.
Dakota Dreams Teacher Leadership Academy Supervisor and Mentor Approval Form 2023-24
When applying for the Dakota Dreams Teacher Leadership Academy, a signed Supervisor and Mentor Approval Form must be included with the application. This form attests that the teacher applicant’s school and mentor understand and support the time commitment of their participation and the expenses that will be reimbursed to the school district.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Form
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) is the request form for federal grants, loans and work-study opportunities. This form is completed by students and families in hopes of receiving federal financial support for college.
Year-Long College Algebra Course
View the one-page summary of the Year-Long College Algebra Course and its benefits. This course taught by the Northern State University E-Learning Center qualifies as one high school unit and three college algebra credits. In the first semester, students will take a FREE College Algebra Prep Course, called Math for College Readiness. They continue the second semester in High School Dual Credit College Algebra (MATH 114) with the same teacher and at the same time. HSDC scholarships available for students eligible for free and reduced lunch or who are first-generation college students.
Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps – Promotions Toolkit
A multitude of resources are available to promote the free Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Summer Camps to all incoming 7th and 8th grade students who are South Dakota residents or attend a South Dakota school.
Free Application Period Toolkit
Resources for educators to help you promote the Free Application Period.
SDMyLife – Career Camps
Career camps give students from a variety of grade levels opportunities to explore and experience careers firsthand. Camps are offered from various institutions and organizations throughout the state.