Dakota Alliance Soccer Club Student Athlete Scholarship

Applicants who benefit from this award must be graduating high school seniors from the Sioux Falls area who have participated in the Dakota Alliance Soccer Club, or in Sioux Falls high school soccer programs. Additionally, they must plan to attend an accredited college or university, have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and demonstrate leadership through his or her role on a soccer team. Excellence in athletics or other extracurricular activities within the community will also be evaluated by the selection panel. This scholarship offers multiple awards.



Applicants must be graduating high school seniors from the Sioux Falls area who have participated in the Dakota Alliance Soccer Club or in Sioux Falls high school soccer programs. Scholarship requires minimum high school GPA of 3.00 to qualify. Scholarship selection may be based on financial need.


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Jamie Weyh at 605-305-3516 or jweyh@sfacf.org.