Established by Trent-area community leaders, this scholarship supports graduating seniors who are residents of the Trent area. The Trent area is bounded on the south by the Moody County line, on the north by SD Highway 34, on the east by the South Dakota state line, and on the west by the Colman Road, also known as 470th Avenue. The Trent School District graduated its last class of high school seniors in 1966. Since then, children in the area have gone to neighboring towns for their education. In 1982, community leaders decided to fund a scholarship program for children whose families live in and around Trent. This scholarship offers multiple awards.
The Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation is proud to award more than 70 scholarships to deserving students each year. Whether you’re preparing to graduate from high school, wrapping up a general equivalency diploma, or working toward your undergraduate or graduate degree, the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation is proud to partner with passionate donors to administer a wide variety of competitive scholarships to help you achieve your educational goals.
Trent Area graduating seniors (see scholarship description above for boundaries)
Applicable Institutions:
ANY technical college or university
Jamie Weyh at 605-305-3516 or