Karen Bates Trimble WHS Class of 1962 Scholarship

This scholarship celebrates the love we all have for our hometowns. Karen Bates Trimble spent 55 years in Sioux Falls and established this scholarship as a way to give back.

The Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation is proud to award more than 70 scholarships to deserving students each year. Whether you’re preparing to graduate from high school, wrapping up a general equivalency diploma, or working toward your undergraduate or graduate degree, the Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation is proud to partner with passionate donors to administer a wide variety of competitive scholarships to help you achieve your educational goals.



  • Scholarship may be awarded on Financial Need
  • Minimum high school GPA: 3.5
  • Sioux Falls Washington High School graduating senior


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Jamie Weyh at 605-305-3516 or jweyh@sfacf.org.