Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship

The Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship is open to upcoming Juniors and Seniors in college who are pursuing a degree in specific education fields. The scholarship encourages South Dakota students to obtain their post-secondary education in South Dakota for teaching in certain critical teaching occupations. Awardees must agree in writing to remain in the state upon completion of their education to contribute to the state and its citizens by working in an eligible critical need teaching occupation – failure to do so will result in scholarship funding converting to a low interest loan that must be repaid. Eligible students can apply using the SD Board of Regents Scholarship Application Portal. Scholarships tentatively open February 2024.



Applicants must be upcoming Juniors and Seniors in college. Eligible majors/fields: Certain Teaching Occupations.


Applicable Institutions:

BHSU, DSU, NSU, SDSU, USD, Private SD School



Kerri Richards at 605-773-3455 or

Jump Start Scholarship

Students graduating from a public high school in 3 years or less are eligible for a one time scholarship of $1500 to be distributed equally across both the Fall and Spring semesters during their first year of post-secondary enrollment. Eligible students can apply using the SD Board of Regents Online Scholarship Portal.



  • Applicants must be 2025 graduates from a South Dakota public high school in 3 years or less.


Applicable Institutions:

  • Any SOUTH DAKOTA technical college or university



  • Kerri Richards at 605-773-3455 or