CodeWizardsHQ Educational Scholarship

In an aim to increase access to higher education and broadening a diverse candidate pool for the future STEM workforce, CodeWizardsHQ has created the Educational Scholarship to support students in the attainment of their dreams. In order to apply students must provide proof of financial eligibility, a letter of recommendation, a statement of purpose essay, a curriculum Vitae (summary of experience and skills), Unofficial Transcript, and an optional video. See scholarship application for full details.



Scholarship requires minimum high school GPA of 3.50 to qualify. Scholarship selection may be based on financial need.


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Margaret Choi at 800-213-2417 or

Coyote Beginnings Scholarship

At USD, you can benefit from the Coyote Beginnings program. All first-time freshman students who apply for fall admission to USD are automatically considered for up to $3,500 per year. Coyote Beginnings is available to recipients for up to four years as a full-time student and is based on GPA, standardized test scores and committee review. All first-time freshman students who apply for fall admission to USD are automatically considered.



Applicants must be first-time freshman students. Scholarship requires minimum high school GPA of 3.00 to qualify.


Applicable Institutions:

University of South Dakota



Connor Peterson at 605-658-3208 or

Ruby’s Rainbow Scholarship

Our goal is to help as many college students with Down syndrome as we possibly can to go for their dreams of higher education and independence!
Awarded $1000-$10,000Students must be at least 18 years old and have the desire and intent to enroll or continue in a post-secondary class or program that will enhance their life through employment skills, independent living or life skills, or interests in any other areas. Students must provide copies of high school diploma or equivalent (e.g., certificate of completion), high school transcript if graduating in the spring of this year, or proof of acceptance to or current enrollment in a post-secondary program. Individuals who have previously been awarded a Ruby’s Rainbow scholarship can apply for another scholarship as soon as the following year.


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Liz Plachta at (512) 879-7801 or

Esther Edie Environmental Scholarship

To provide financial support to students attending a college or university in South Dakota, who is pursuing a career in one of the following areas: Environmental Science, Environmental Geography, Environmental Sociology, Natural Resource Management, or Environmental Law.



Eligible majors/fields: Environmental Science, Environmental Geography, Environmental Sociology, Natural Resource Management, or Environmental Law


Applicable Institutions:

Any SOUTH DAKOTA technical college or university



Kelly Nelson at 605-224-1025 or

Kids’ Chance of South Dakota

This scholarship supports students whose family was impacted by a serious or fatal work injury. If your family was impacted by an injury at work or on the farm, please apply. The award amount listed is an estimate and depends on circumstances and financial need.



Applicants must have family impacted by a serious or fatal work injury. Scholarship selection may be based on financial need.


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Dan Nelson at 605-280-2702 or

Freedom Scholarship 2024-2025

The Freedom Scholarship offers a statewide opportunity for students to help pay for college, as they help build South Dakota’s workforce. By demonstrating financial need and meeting scholarship requirements, students who plan to learn, live and work in South Dakota can use the scholarship toward any bachelor’s degree. To be considered for the South Dakota Freedom Scholarship, you need to apply for admission and be accepted at a participating South Dakota institution and complete the FAFSA. Students can reach out to their desired school to find out more eligibility requirements and application information and if funds remain. Students must commit in writing to living and working in South Dakota for at least three years after graduation and agree that any failure to meet the scholarship requirements will result in the scholarship being converted to a 4% fixed interest loan.



Scholarship selection may be based on financial need.


Applicable Institutions:




Elli Haerter at 605-846-6976 or

Gene Abdallah Scholarship

The Gene Abdallah Scholarship is for a graduate of a South Dakota high school pursuing a career in law enforcement.



Scholarship requires minimum high school GPA of 3.00 to qualify.

Eligible majors/fields: Law Enforcement


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Kelly Nelson at 605-224-1025 or

Inez Taylor Walter Scholarship

The Inez Taylor Walter Scholarship was established by Harley Taylor in memory of his sister, Inez Walter who was from the Ipswich area. The scholarship is for high school students in South Dakota. Preference in awarding this scholarship will be given to a student planning on attending a South Dakota or North Dakota college or university in the field of nursing.



Eligible majors/fields: Nursing


Applicable Institutions:

ANY technical college or university



Kelly Nelson at 605-224-1025 or

Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship

The Critical Teaching Needs Scholarship is open to upcoming Juniors and Seniors in college who are pursuing a degree in specific education fields. The scholarship encourages South Dakota students to obtain their post-secondary education in South Dakota for teaching in certain critical teaching occupations. Awardees must agree in writing to remain in the state upon completion of their education to contribute to the state and its citizens by working in an eligible critical need teaching occupation – failure to do so will result in scholarship funding converting to a low interest loan that must be repaid. Eligible students can apply using the SD Board of Regents Scholarship Application Portal. Scholarships tentatively open February 2024.



Applicants must be upcoming Juniors and Seniors in college. Eligible majors/fields: Certain Teaching Occupations.


Applicable Institutions:

BHSU, DSU, NSU, SDSU, USD, Private SD School



Jump Start Scholarship

Students graduating from a public high school in 3 years or less are eligible for a one time scholarship of $1500 to be distributed equally across both the Fall and Spring semesters during their first year of post-secondary enrollment. Eligible students can apply using the SD Board of Regents Online Scholarship Portal.



  • Applicants must be 2025 graduates from a South Dakota public high school in 3 years or less.


Applicable Institutions:

  • Any SOUTH DAKOTA technical college or university

