Career Ready SD Summer Passport Series – iFLi — International Flight Instruction Institute

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

iFLi — International Flight Instruction Institute
Chan Gurney Airport, 700 E 31st St, Yankton
◦ Tour Yankton Airport
◦ Sit in a charter airplane
◦ Hear from a Delta Airlines pilot
◦ Try out your skills on a Flight Simulator
◦ Learn about a new business coming to Yankton Airport
that offers instruction and certification for pilots.
◦ See Yankton County’s Emergency Management drone

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  


Career Ready SD Summer Passport Series – Persona and LATC Tours

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

Wednesday, June 26, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Persona Tour (10 a.m.), 700 21st St SW, Watertown
Lake Area Technical College Tour (11:30 a.m.), 1201 Arrow Ave NE, Watertown

Transportation provided for the Watertown events if needed.

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Career Ready SD Summer Passport – Horton Tour

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

Tuesday, June 18, 1-3 p.m.
Horton Tour
10840 423rd Ave, Britton

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Career Ready SD Summer Passport – Midstates and NSU Tour

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

Wednesday, June 12, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Midstates Group Tour (9 a.m.)
4820 Capital Ave NE, Aberdeen

Northern State University Tour (10:30 a.m.)
(Lunch provided)
1200 S Jay St, Aberdeen

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Career Ready SD Summer Passport Series – Kibble Equipment Tour

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

Kibble Equipment Tour
3310 US-14 BYP, Brookings

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Career Ready SD Summer Passport Series – Agtegra Agronomy Tour

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

Agtegra Agronomy Location Tour
1227 E 3rd St, Redfield

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Career Ready SD Summer Passport Series – MTC Architectural Design & Building Construction Tour

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

Tour Mitchell Technical College with an emphasis on Architectural Design and Building Construction, then we will head to Jensen’s Design Build for a tour!

*Meal provided
*Transportation from MTC to Jensen provided if needed

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Career Ready SD Summer Passport Series – Beadle Country Courthouse Tour

Intended Audience: Teens and young adults ages 14-21

The South Dakota Department of Labor Career Ready Advisors have planned events for teens and young adults ages 14-21 to explore careers in their communities, engage with businesses and educators, and prepare for the world of work. Explore career fields including aviation, print, signage and media, cyber security, agronomy, law enforcement, building trades, and more! Business and college/university tours are also offered in some communities.  

Western Dakota Technical College Visit Night

Intended Audience: Anyone interested in learning about Western Dakota Tech

Visit the Western Dakota Technical College campus in Rapid City! College Visit Night, from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., offers a comprehensive overview of WDTC’s offerings, catering to high school students, recent graduates, career changers, and individuals seeking to enhance their professional skills. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about nearly 40 career programs, engage with faculty members, and speak with Admissions, Financial Aid, and Scholarship/Foundation representatives. Additionally, guided campus tours will be available.

SDSU + LATC Dakota Dreams Career Exploration Camp

Intended Audience: Incoming 7th and 8th grade students attending school in SD

Students entering 7th and 8th grade in the 2024-2025 school year can participate in free, five-day residential career exploration camps this summer. Hosted on South Dakota college campuses, these camps expose students to various career paths through fun, engaging and hands-on learning. Throughout the week, campers will spend time with instructors, take field trips to area businesses, participate in interactive exercises and more, gaining a better understanding of themselves, their career interests and how their education prepares them for professions.

Registration for the 2024 summer camps is closed.