Exploring Colleges in South Dakota

South Dakota’s public technical colleges and universities are a value, providing a quality education at a reasonable cost. In fact, South Dakota has the best university system in the country based on value, according to a recent report that ranked the 50 state public university systems on prices and outcomes. The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity says South Dakota has the best state university system measured by return on investment for students.

Why College Matters

A higher education credential changes outcomes not just for individuals but also for their families and the entire South Dakota economy. College degrees lead to opportunities for a lifelong career, financial stability and better overall health and well-being. In today’s world, educational attainment plays an even more significant role in many aspects of people’s lives — and higher education opportunities in South Dakota include both two-year and four-year colleges.

Our Advice: Just Start!

There is no wrong way to begin your college exploration. In fact, everyone approaches it a little bit differently. Our Dakota Dreams has several resources provided below to help you begin this journey.

SD Public Colleges & Majors
Education Options Close to Home
Finding Your Fit
College Admission
Free College Application Period
Paying for College

Answers to Common Questions

Thinking about transferring from one college to another?
Want to complete your GED or prepare for college with academic refreshers?
Do you have some college credits but no degree?
Want to explore advanced degree options?

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